Workshop Resources

Basic LinkedIn Workshop

In today’s Employment Marketplace, you need to be visible to companies that are hiring and people that can refer you to companies that are hiring – LinkedIn is a great way of accomplishing this.

Getting started with LinkedIn can be confusing and intimidating – but it doesn’t have to be! This hands-on computer workshop will walk you through the basics of starting a LinkedIn account, from setting up a sign-in to starting your profile.

Attend this workshop and learn:

  • How to sign-up for LinkedIn
  • How to start a LinkedIn profile
  • About the different features and functions
  • How to develop a contact list

This workshop covers the most basic functions of LinkedIn and how to get started.

Note:  If you have a LinkedIn account and profile, attend the Advanced LinkedIn workshop. 


How to Use LinkedIn – Part 1

How to Use LinkedIn – Part 2

LinkedIn Referral Request Templates

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile


Advanced LinkedIn Workshop

You have set up your LinkedIn profile but is it drawing as much attention as it could? Are you using LinkedIn as a job search tool to its maximum effectiveness? Most of the 450MM LinkedIn users are not!

LinkedIn consists of numerous functions, many of which change often, and there are lots of tricks and tips that can make LinkedIn work better for you.

Attend this workshop and learn:

  • How to maximize your LinkedIn profile
  • How to use LinkedIn as a powerful job search tool
  • The power of LinkedIn groups
  • Advanced functions of LinkedIn

LinkedIn has been called the new resume of the online world. Many recruiters only use LinkedIn when searching to fill jobs. Attend this presentation-based workshop and make sure when a hiring manager or recruiters view your LinkedIn profile, they are impressed!

Note: If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, attend the Basic LinkedIn workshop.


How to Use LinkedIn – Part 1

How to Use LinkedIn – Part 2

LinkedIn Referral Request Templates

LinkedIn Tips and Tricks

How to Use Hashtags on LinkedIn to Grow Your Client Base

Current Position LinkedIn Tips

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

What to Say on LinkedIn When You’ve Been Laid Off (Forbes Article)

18 Things To Take Off Your Résumé And LinkedIn Profile Today To Succeed Tomorrow (Forbes Article, August 2018)

Official LinkedIn Blog

Help Others Pronounce Your Name Correctly

How to Negotiate Your Pay Like a Pro with LinkedIn Salary YouTube Video:  9 Tips to Write a LinkedIn Summary (About Section Examples) YouTube Video:  How to Write a Strategic LinkedIn Headline: 6 Examples

Verifications on Your LinkedIn Profile

Difference Between a Contact and a Connection on LinkedIn

Resume Writing Basics Workshop

Are you just starting your job search and writing the first draft of your resume? If you are, this workshop is for you! Writing a resume can seem difficult and overwhelming but it doesn’t have to be.

Developing a good basic resume that “sells” you is easy if you know the tips and tricks of developing a good resume while avoiding costly resume errors.

If you are just starting the development of your resume, attend this workshop and learn:

  • Important resume content
  • The most frequent resume errors and how to avoid them
  • Resume formatting
  • Basic resume rules including resume length, handling employment gaps, and how many years of employment to include

This resume workshop is for job seekers without a current resume who have limited computer skills, and are looking for basic resume content. If you already have a good resume and are looking to improve it, attend the Resume Writing Advanced Workshop.


Basic Resume Format

Resume Advanced Sample

Microsoft Word Resume Tips – Creating a Resume Header

Define Your Ideal Position

Power Words with Activities

Tasks vs. Accomplishments Exercise

Employer Priority and Strengths to Map Exercise

Tips for Creating a Concise Resume

Guidelines and Exercise for Developing Your Summary Statement

Hard Skills List

Warning! — Don’t Use These Words

Warning! — Use These Words

Saving Electronic Resume in Different File Formats


Resume Writing Advanced Workshop

Don’t attend this workshop if you are having so many interviews you can hardly keep up with all the appointments; because if you are, your resume is working well. However, if you would like more interviews, your resume may need improving and this workshop will show you how.

There is rarely a resume that can’t be improved. This workshop is for jobseekers who have already developed a good solid resume and want to make it even better.

  • During this workshop you will learn:
  • How to analyze your resume from the point of view of a recruiter
  • Costly resume errors to avoid at any cost
  • How to maximize your accomplishments to make your resume more powerful
  • How to handle resume challenges including employment gaps, age, multiple short-term jobs

A resume that results in interviews is a key ingredient of any productive job search. Attend this workshop and be secure that your resume is not getting in the way of getting interviews and landing jobs.


Resume Advanced Sample

Resume Sample with Profile, Key Strengths & Accomplishments Sections

Resume Advanced Sample w/Exec Summary and Achievements Section

Microsoft Word Resume Tips – Creating a Resume Header

Power Words with Activities

How to Build Your Summary Statement

Good Resume Writing Style

3 Biggest Red Flags Hiring Managers Look for in Resumes, According to New Research ( article by Morgan Smith @THEWORDSMITHM)

A Job Hunters Guide to Getting your Resume Past the ATS and into Human Hands (from The Muse)

Beat the Robots: How to Get Your Resume Past the System & Into Human Hands (from The Muse)

Define Your Ideal Position

Tasks vs. Accomplishments Exercise

Employer Priority and Strengths to Map Exercise

Tips for Creating a Concise Resume

Best Skills to Include on a Resume (from Indeed Career Guide)

Top 500 Resume Keywords to Boost Your Resume (from JobScan Blog)

Guidelines and Exercise for Developing Your Summary Statement

Hard Skills List

Warning! — Don’t Use These Words

Warning! — Use These Words

18 Things To Take Off Your Résumé And LinkedIn Profile Today To Succeed Tomorrow (Forbes Article, August 2018)

Saving Electronic Resume in Different File Formats


Active Interviewing Strategies Workshop

Today’s employment marketplace requires new interviewing skills. No longer can job candidates be passive recipients of interviewing questions.

Today’s interviews require an Active Interviewing© approach where job candidates actively communicate job winning information to the interviewer.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • How to actively communicate the information you want the interviewer to know
  • How to answer any interview question
  • Important questions you need to ask in every interview
  • Psychological strategies for winning over interviewers

This powerful new interview strategy, Active Interviewing, is winning interviews at all levels in every industry.  Attend this workshop and start actively winning your interviews.


An expert presentation about how to interview and win jobs by a leading interview expert. This video has a number of easily implemented interview strategies you can use immediately to win an interview and land your next job. It includes information about how to answer tough interview questions and turn the interview into a conversation.

50 Interview Errors

Here are 18 Questions to Ask About a Job

Job Interview Questions

Common Non-Verbal Interview Mistakes

Nine Types of Job Interviews

5 Reasons You Should Swallow Your Pride and Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected (TheMuse Article)

Top 12 Best Questions to Ask at the End of the Job Interview by Pamela Skillings/Big Interview

Interview Questions for Senior Management Positions from Experteer

Overcoming Pitfalls in the Senior Level Interview by Joe Turner/The Ladders

Exit Statement Examples

How to Explain Your Reasons for Leaving a Job by Hanne Keiling (Indeed website)

Why Aren’t You Getting a Second Interview? by Caleb Yen for Job Journey on

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” in a Job Interview (TheMuse Article)

10 Revealing Phone Interview Questions to Help Assess Your Next Great Hire (LinkedIn blog by Samantha McLaren)

Cover Letters / Correspondence for Job Seekers Workshop

Do you find writing a cover letter for every resume you send out difficult and time consuming? Do you wonder what to write or even if writing a cover letter is worthwhile?

Well, cover letters are valuable and can be the difference between getting an interview or not. And, cover letters don’t have to be difficult to write or time consuming!

During this workshop, you will learn:

  • A cover letter format that is quick to write and highly effective
  • The critical information to include in every cover letter
  • Why a “T Format” Cover Letter gets interviews
  • How to highly customize your cover letters to specific jobs
  • How to create good Follow-Through Letters

You will learn specific strategies and layout options for composing an effective “T format” cover letter. Once  you have learned the “T Letter” format, you will feel confident about putting a cover letter on every resume you send out.


Positioning Statement

Cover Letter Table (blank)

T-Letter Sample Letters (Word document)

T-Letters Overview Instructions

Three T-Letter Sample Letters

64 Email Subject Lines Which Get Results

Avoid These Email Mistakes

Follow-through Letter Sentence Stems

Interview Follow-through Letter Samples

Email Paragraph to Accompany a Resume Sample


Constructive Feedback in the Workplace

Good communications in the workplace is a valued skill, especially when it has to do with how to give and receive feedback on performance.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • How to invite constructive feedback
  • Some effective techniques for giving and receiving constructive criticism
  • Benefits of being constructive when providing feedback
  • How to “sandwich” the negatives between positives
  • The importance of goal setting and follow-up discussions


Strategies for Sharing Constructive Feedback  (Business Performance article)

Examples of Constructive Feedback in the Workplace (Chron article by Lisa McQuerrey)

Constructive Feedback in the Workplace: Strategies for Success (ADP article by David Rodeck)

Personal Brand and Elevator Speech Workshop

Does the request, “Tell me about yourself” get you nervous? Are you unsure of how to introduce yourself in networking situations? Are you unclear about what others think and feel about you professionally? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is just the workshop for you!

In this workshop, learn how to develop your personal brand in a clear, easy-to-understand process, identify unique strengths that differentiate you, and develop a brief interesting personal presentation that communicates who you are and the value you bring to a company.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • The definition of a personal brand
  • How to position yourself in the employment marketplace
  • How to make yourself memorable
  • What to say about yourself and when

Attend this dynamic workshop and begin to develop an effective 30-second “elevator speech” that clearly communicates your value and your brand. You’ll leave re-energized, with a clear framework for your elevator pitch and a new approach to presenting yourself!


Elevator Pitch Example

Elevator Speech Template

Know Yourself to Develop Your Brand

Value Propositions

It’s a BRAND New World

Personal Brand Working Plan

Changing Careers / Transferable Skills Workshop

Do you know both your hard and soft skills that will land you a job? In today’s employment marketplace, employers are interested in both your hard skills, specific knowledge and abilities, and soft skills, personal attributes and personality traits.

When you change jobs or careers, talking about how your hard and soft skills will contribute to the success of the company is a powerful way to convince a hiring manager you are the best choice for the job!

Join this workshop and learn:

  • The difference between hard and soft skills
  • Which skills are most highly sought after and transferable
  • How to bring hard and soft skills into your job search
  • Which is more important, hard or soft skills

After this workshop, you will be aware of how your unique combination of skills makes you a desirable employee, and the best strategies of using your skills to win interviews and land jobs.


Career Changing Questions

Employability Skills List

Middle Skills Gap

Soft Skills That Help Employers and Employees

Transferable Skills List

Transferable Skills List – Bingham University

The Skills Gap (video)

Job Search Strategy Workshop

Have you been concerned that your job search strategy isn’t on target and you are losing exciting opportunities? Well you may be right!

Job search is a challenging process requiring many ingredients for it to work well. Most job seekers don’t know all the critical ingredients, and go into job search without the advantages and benefits a well developed strategy provides. Thus, job search is more frustrating and takes longer than it should.

Come to this workshop and learn:

  • All the critical ingredients of a comprehensive job search
  • Productive job search attitudes and behaviors
  • How to avoid missteps and lost opportunities

Job search is difficult to start with, and even more so when you are not using the most productive search strategies available. You owe it to yourself to make sure you are doing the best job search you can. After attending this workshop, you will know how to search for jobs efficiently and effectively.


Weekly Job Search Activity Form

12 Ingredients for Successful Job Search

Refresh Leadership Blog from Express Employment Professionals – Article on “Culture”

Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information & Analysis Website

MontcoWorks Job Seeker Resources

Chester County Workforce Development Board Job Seeker Resources

Indeed Career Guide

FREE Online Courses to explore learning opportunities:

Exit Statement Examples

How to Be a Better Negotiator

Possible Issues for Salary Negotiation

What Great Sales People Do

Social Media Communications Applications

Teal – Free Job Search and Contacts Tracker:  and

The skills gap is so big that nearly half of workers will need to retrain this decade. These 10 skills are most in demand, Fortune article by Jane Thier

Free Library of Philadelphia Resources:

Job Applications and Keyword Tips Workshop

Are you replying to job postings with a resume and application which reflects required skills?  Many employers are using automated keyword search tools to find applicants who meet their needs.  Find out how you can match your skillset to the right jobs you are qualified for.  Attend the Job Search Engines, Applications & Keyword Tips Workshop and pick up some great suggestions on how best to apply for jobs.  Learn some helpful tips on completing job applications, and using keywords and phrases to grab the hiring manager’s attention.


Internet Job Search Sites

All Things Remote Work –

A Guide to Uploading a Resume in Five Easy Steps by Indeed Editorial Team

How to Format and Upload Your Resume for the Online Job Search by LiveCareer Staff Writer

The 9 Best Tips for Submitting an Online Job Application, by Miriam Salpeter

10 Tips for How to Apply for a Job Online, by Indeed Editorial Board

8 Do’s and Don’ts When You Apply for a Job Online, by James Hu, Next Avenue Contributor

Best Keywords to Use in Your Job Search by Alison Doyle,

Top 500 Resume Keywords: Examples for Your Job Search by Jon Shields, JobScan

How to Use Keywords and Phrases in Your Resume and Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples),

10 Tips for Completing a Job Application to Get an Interview,

10 Top Job Application Tips and Application Checklist,

How to Email a Resume – Tips for Emailing Job Materials to an Employer by Alison Doyle at

Saving Electronic Resume in Different File Formats

Accomplishment Stories Workshop

Don’t we all like a good story? Stories capture our attention, pull on our emotions, make the story teller memorable and during job search help land jobs!

Your Accomplishment Stories tell interviewers about the challenges you have faced, the actions you took, the results you achieved, and the skills you used. Your Accomplishment Stories prove you have done what you say you can do and they make you memorable compared to other job candidates.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • What is an accomplishment?
  • How to tell an Accomplishment Story
  • Memory Joggers that will remind you of your accomplishments
  • How accomplishments fit in your resume

We all have accomplishments to talk about – come to this workshop and start to write your Accomplishment Stories.


Accomplishment Stories Format

SBAR Accomplishment Story Example

Sample Accomplishment Story – Construction Company

Sample Accomplishment Story – PR Services

Memory Jogger List

Networking Workshop

Do you know the best way to get a job is through networking? And do you know successful networkers network 3-5 times per week during job search? Attend this workshop and learn the networking strategies you need to know to land your next job.

Networking becomes far easier and more successful once you know how.

During this workshop, you will learn about:

  • Networking opportunities (such as job fairs, industry events and networking groups)
  • Effective networking scripts
  • Important networking strategies and attitudes
  • How to ask for networking meetings that result in meetings

Following this workshop, whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you will feel equipped and confident to ramp up your networking activity and land your next position.


Resource List of People and Places to Network

Networking Script

My Career Transitions

Joseph’s People

Whine and Dine Networking

You’ve Heard or Remote Working, but What About Remote Networking, by Hailley Griffis at 

Management Level Interview Workshop

Learn Advanced interview strategies for management level jobseekers!

Winning interviews for senior level jobs requires an advanced sophisticated interview strategy.

During this workshop you will learn:

  • How to actively communicate information you want the interviewer to know
  • How to prepare for your interviews
  • How to develop an interview presentation to use during your interview
  • Psychological strategies for winning over interviewers
  • The three most important questions for you to ask in every interview

This powerful new interview strategy is winning interviews in every industry.  

Attend this workshop and start actively winning your interviews!


Recommended Reading: Active Interviewing – Branding, Selling, and Presenting Yourself to Win Your Next Job by Eric P. Kramer

Top 12 Best Questions to Ask at the End of the Job Interview by Pamela Skillings/Big Interview

Interview Questions for Senior Management Positions from Experteer

Overcoming Pitfalls in the Senior Level Interview by Joe Turner/The Ladders

“Why won’t a company hire me if I offer more experience than they require?” & “Why won’t a firm meet with me if I earn more money, but will take less?” by Jack Kelly/The Compliance Search Group

An expert presentation about how to interview and win jobs by a leading interview expert. This video has a number of easily implemented interview strategies you can use immediately to win an interview and land your next job. It includes information about how to answer tough interview questions and turn the interview into a conversation.

50 Interview Errors

Here are 18 Questions to Ask About a Job

Job Interview Questions

Common Non-Verbal Interview Mistakes

Nine Types of Job Interviews

5 Reasons You Should Swallow Your Pride and Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected (TheMuse Article)

Exit Statement Examples

How to Explain Your Reasons for Leaving a Job by Hanne Keiling (Indeed website)

Why Aren’t You Getting a Second Interview? by Caleb Yen for Job Journey on

10 Revealing Phone Interview Questions to Help Assess Your Next Great Hire (LinkedIn blog by Samantha McLaren)

Working with Recruiters Workshop
Working with a recruiter can make your job search easier than ever!

Recruiters can be your most valuable job search support — if you know how to work with them. There are many types of recruiters, they are all busy, and each one requires a different approach to get their support. However, once you have a recruiter working with you, finding a job can be far easier.

During this workshop, you will learn about:

  • The four different types of recruiters
  • How to get through to recruiters
  • Effective strategies for working with recruiters
  • How to use recruiters for long-term career management

Following this workshop, you will understand the different types of recruiters, the role of recruiters in your job search, and have a clear strategy for working with recruiters.


Oya’s Directory of Recruiters

Directories of Recruiters,

Recruiter Strategies

Jumping over Age Barriers Workshop

Age can be a barrier or just a speed bump!

Mature workers face job search challenges younger workers don’t. However, they also provide important workplace advantages that are becoming more valuable every day. Savvy mature workers are landing good high paying jobs because they have the job search know-how—shouldn’t you?

During this workshop, you will learn about:

  • Mature workers’ competitive job-winning advantages
  • Three critical messages that land jobs
  • Effective strategies for replying to “You’re overqualified”
  • Interviewing with younger Hiring Managers

Don’t let your age get in the way of a job you want. Attend this workshop and bust those age barriers!


Older Worker Job Search Sites

Jobs for Women Over 50

Downshifting Text for Cover Letter

Workforce 50 Website

Ask a Career Coach: How Do I Get Around Ageism in the Job Search? (theMuse article)

10 Companies that really care about their older workers (Monster article)

AARP – Job Search Resources for 50+

Working After Retirement ( article)

The Advantages of Older Workers:  10 Advantages of Retaining and Hiring Older Workers: Lessons from NYC Small Businesses (Columbia University article)

iRelaunch Website

AARP’s Employer Pledge Program

Certified Age Friendly Employer Program

Employment Marketplace Resources

Job search is not just about finding your next job, it’s about managing your career. Managing your career includes understanding how the “employment marketplace” operates and how to position yourself in the marketplace for your greatest success. The employment marketplace operates like any other marketplace with the forces of supply and demand dictating the need for certain skills and how much companies will pay for those skills. The more you know about the marketplace the better you can position yourself for your next job — and the job after that.

The resources in this section are related to the current and future state of the Employment Marketplace, the current and future demand for jobs and job skills, and how current job seekers can maximize their job search process. Use these resources to understand the need for jobs you are currently seeking or are considering for the future.


Pennsylvania Center for Workforce Information & Analysis Website

PA Quarterly Workstats

Global Human Capital Trends 2016

The Future of Knowledge – Work

Tomorrow’s Workplace

Coping with Job Search Related Stress Workshop

Full Circle Computing’s Stress and Anxiety Management Workshop asks the question “Who’s Driving Your Brain?”  In this session, we focus on what “stress” is, and how stress drains the value from life.  We discuss some of the main causes of stress, and offer some practical tools to reduce and manage it. With a focus on job seekers, this workshop will help you stay on course during difficult and challenging times.


How Stress Changes Your Brain – Stress hormones have a profound effect on the body and brain – Article by William R. Klemm PhD in Psychology Today

Protect Your Brain from Stress – Article from Harvard Women’s Health Watch

Science Says There’s a Simple Reason You Keep Thinking Negative Thoughts All Day – Article by John Brandon of

Forgiveness: Letting go of grudges and bitterness – Article from Mayo Clinic website

The Fascinating History of Burnout – LinkedIn Article by Arianna Huffington

Stress Management Workshop – References

Working Remotely

This workshop will share strategies for setting up a productive, efficient remote workspace, and best practices for leveraging technologies like WebEx and Zoom for telecommuting and remote interviewing.  Learn how to set yourself up for success in the remote work environment, including basic technology requirements, and how to communicate professionally and work productively using online tools.


The Best Remote Jobs You Can Get Right Now by Laura J. Vogel, Monster contributor

The Best Jobs to Work Remotely by Alison Doyle, The Balance

Hoping to work remotely? Openings are bountiful in these 10 industries by George Anders, LinkedIn

Checklist for Working Remotely

Best Practices for Meeting and Interviewing Online

Microsoft Teams Quick Reference by CustomGuide

Zoom Quick Reference by CustomGuide

Cisco WebEx Reference

Professionalism and Workplace Etiquette

Learn about cultivating a polished and professional image through proper attire, grooming, and body language.  Develop a thorough understanding of professional communication, including written correspondence, emails, and phone etiquette.  Acquire the skills to navigate social situations with grace and professionalism including while networking.  Enhance interpersonal skills by practicing effective listening, feedback, and conflict resolution techniques.


12 Tips for Creating a Professional Image at Work, Growth Tactics Website by Milton Campbell

First Impressions Article, East Carolina University/College of Business Website

Professional Dress Guideline, Mercy University/Career & Professional Development Website

The Wardrobe, (formerly called Career Wardrobe — website for great nonprofit to outfit people for life or work)

Returning to the Workforce After a Break in Employment

This workshop will share effective search strategies for returning to the workforce.  Learn “how-much” and “when” to disclose personal details to a prospective employer.  Pick up some tips on building language in advance of an interview to address key questions you may be asked.


Managing your expectations of yourself when returning to work after a serious illness, Article by Barbara on Return to Wellness Website

Companies that support those who want to start over — Felony Record Hub – lists 130 Felon Friendly Employers

Learn about “returnships”…